Statement regarding release of USPSA Board Meeting Minutes
Meeting minutes are essential as an accurate record of board decisions and actions. They are also crucial for ensuring effective communication, collaboration, and decision making within the organization.
In 2023, the board of directors adjusted the meeting minutes release process to speed up the release to the members as well as enable the board to communicate with their Area members in compliance with bylaw 10.2 regarding confidentiality. The Corporate Secretary would provide a draft copy of the minutes to the board for review by Wednesday after the board meeting. The board would then review and approve the minutes for release by Friday.
This process, while compliant with USPSA bylaws, is not consistent with Roberts Rules of Order. Per those rules, meeting minutes are normally read and approved at the beginning of the next regularly scheduled meeting, immediately after the call to order and any opening ceremonies. As USPSA board meetings are being live streamed, and confidentiality stipulations are waived in accordance with the bylaws, members are informed of organizational topics and board decisions in real time, precluding the need for an accelerated minutes release process.
As a result, the board is re-evaluating the current minutes approval and release process to align with Robert's Rules of Order This topic is on the February board meeting agenda for discussion and action.
Thank you for your patience while we work towards implementing parliamentary and organizational best practices and ensure USPSA remains the premier shooting sport.
Yee-min Lin
USPSA President and USA Regional Director